Shop Courses > §199A Pass-Through Deduction

§199A Pass-Through Deduction#290221

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Course Description

Course publication/revision date: This course was updated on 4/21/2021.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), signed into law during the closing days of 2017, affects the tax planning and income tax liability for many taxpayers. Among those for whom the TCJA will have a more significant effect are business owners of pass-through trades or businesses who may be eligible for the TCJA’s pass-through deduction. This course will examine the pass-through deduction authorized under § 199A of the TCJA.

The text is conceptually divided into three sections: First, calculation of the pass-through deduction for business owners whose taxable income does not exceed a threshold amount set by statute; second, calculation of the pass-through deduction for business owners whose taxable income is greater than the threshold; and finally, calculation of the pass-through deduction for business owners whose taxable income is greater than the threshold and whose businesses are considered specified service trades or businesses (SSTBs). The final chapter examines each of the business categories that are considered specified service trades or businesses and identifies those businesses that might appear to be placed in those categories but which would not be deemed SSTBs.