Advising Clients Divorcing After 50#195619
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Course Description
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This is a Beacon Hill Course-in-a-Book™ – self-study CE courses that are based on popular industry books written specifically for financial advisors.
The book for this course was published in 2016.
This course also carries 9 CDFA CE.
This course is based on the book Divorce After 50 by Attorney Janice Green, The course price includes the book and online exam.
This course covers the emotional and financial challenges faced by clients who divorce later in life and who can face complicated issues of blended families, health care concerns, and retirement planning.
The course addresses:
Divorce options (including mediation and collaborative divorce)
How to receive the best guidance from lawyers
Dividing marital property fairly
Retirement plan rules
Spousal support (alimony)
How divorce affects estate planning
Keeping good health care through various plans, including the Affordable Care Act and Medicare
Course Information
Open link (above) to view Course Details, Learning Objectives, and Table of Contents.
Course Text:
Divorce After 50 by Janice Green, Attorney (3rd ed., 2016, Nolo)
Course-in-a-Book™ courses include a hardcopy book, study guide, and an online exam.
If you already own the book (or e-Book), you may purchase just the online exam.
The e-Book version of Divorce After 50 is available for this course from the publisher, Nolo.
Field of Study:
CFP Board: General Principles of Financial Planning
NAPFA: Financial Planning Process
IDFA: Financial Planning (Divorce)
Level of Complexity: Overview
This course is registered with the CFP Board (Course ID #245563) and the IDFA (#105392).