
Course Formats and Purchase Options

Online Book, Online Exam

(Not available for Course-in-a-Book™ or video-based offerings-see below.) This option allows you to view, immediately after purchase, the course in PDF format from the My Account page in your account. If you wish to view the course-PDF offline or keep it for future reference, download and save the file to your computer. The exam is taken online, accessible from you My Account page (see instructions below).

Hardcopy Book, Online Exam

A hard copy of the course-text is sent to you in the mail and the exam is taken online. You also have access to the online PDF of the course. Shipping charges apply (USPS). The exam is taken online, accessible from you My Account page (see instructions below).

Course-in-a-Book Titles

For these courses, which are based on books published by major publishers, you have two purchase options:
Hardcopy Book, Online Exam (we send you the book in the mail) or
Online Exam ONLY (You Have the Book) – In this case, you already own the book or you will be purchasing the e-Book from the publisher (since certain book publishers do not give us the rights to sell you the e-Book, you would purchase it directly from the publisher and purchase the online exam separately from us (at a reduced price). We provide you with a link to the publisher’s website for the e-Book (see the course description page of the course for details).

The exam is taken online, accessible from you My Account page (see instructions below).

Video-based Courses

Video courses consist of a Power Point presentation with an audio track. The exam is taken online. No PDF version of the course is available.

Purchasing Courses

Purchasing Individual Courses

  1. Search for courses on the Shop Courses page, applying filters as needed.
  2. Select a course from the search results to view the Course Details.
  3. Select the Course Option and, if applicable, CFP® Reporting Fee.
  4. Add course to Cart.
  5. In the Cart, select Proceed to Checkout to purchase the course(s).
  6. Go to My Account to view your online (PDF or Video) courses and online exams. If you purchased hard copy courses, they will  be sent in the mail within 24 hours.
  7. Read the course materials, then take the exam (see below).
  8. Once you pass the exam, a link to open your certificate of completion will appear next to the course in My Account under Completed Courses. A copy will also be sent via email.
  9. We report credits for CFP®, IRS, CDFA®, and IWI/CIMA® every Tuesday and after the end of the month.

Purchasing Courses for a Group (See above)

Group Purchases

On our website, you can purchase courses for a group of people using one credit card. This allows you to take advantage of our quantity discounts (20% for 3 or 4 courses, 25% for 5 or more courses).* Creating a group also allows you to purchase courses for others and monitor their progress from your account. Making a group purchase involves setting up a group, purchasing courses for the group, and assigning “seats” (members) to the group. Members then individually enroll in the course from their account.

I. Creating a group:

  1. Login to your account (or create an account if you don’t have one) and then go to My Account and click on the My Groups.
  2. Click “Create New Group.”
  3. Create a group name and “Validate” the code.
  4. Click the “Create Group” button.

II. Purchasing courses for the group

  1. Open the Shop for Courses page and search for the courses that you wish your group members to have access to.
  2. Click on the title of a course you wish to purchase for the group.
  3. Choose an option for the course.
  4. When the Group Purchase box appears, select “Yes, purchase multiple seats.”
  5. Select the number of seats (for the members of the group who will be taking the course).
  6. For CFP Board CE courses only: You will need to pay the CE reporting fee required by the Board for each participant in the group in order for the CE hours to be reported.
  7. Add to Cart. Note that the Price and Subtotal reflect the price for the course times the number of “seats,” minus any discount. Quantity means 1 “group.”
  8. Continue shopping if you wish to add other course-titles for the group to the Cart.
  9. Proceed to checkout, review, then Place order.

III. Assign “Seats” (members of the group) who will be taking the courses.

  1. Go to My Account, then open My Groups.
  2. In the orange box, select the number of seats (members of the group who will be taking a course. Include a seat for yourself if you will be taking a course).
  3. Select the group that you created.
  4. Click Assign Seats.

IV. Providing members of the group access to their courses:

Email to each member of the group the name of the group, the group code, and these instructions:

  1. Login to your account (or create an account if you don’t have one) and then go to My Account and click on the My Groups tab.
  2. Click “Join a Group”
  3. Enter the Group Code.
  4. Click “Join.”
  5. Locate the course and select “Enroll.” This will place a copy of the course on your Active Courses page in My Account.

Note: If you are the person who set up the group and purchased the courses and you wish to enroll in a course as a member of the group, go to My Groups and click Enroll for the course you wish to take. This will assign one of the “seats” to you. You do not need to Join the group first (if you select “Join a Group” on the My Groups page, you will receive the message “As the owner, you are already a member of the group. Go to Group.” This will take you to the individual group page, where you can enroll in the course.

If you are setting up a group and purchasing courses for others and you will not be taking a course, do not enroll in the course.

*For quantities over 10, or if you prefer to have each individual in the group purchase their own courses, please call and we will provide with a special discount code.


Taking Exams Online

All exams are taken online from the My Account page in your account. You do not need to complete the exam in one session – an exam may be started, stopped, then resumed at a later date. You can print the exam questions (except for the CFP Board Ethics course) by opening the page for the course in My Account and selecting Course exam, then Print exam.

Exams are not timed, and may be retaken if not passed on the first attempt (no charge). You have three attempts to pass an exam. If you do not pass in three attempts, please call us for instructions (800-0588-7039, or email: Unless otherwise noted, a score of 70% is required to pass an exam.

Results (correct, incorrect answers) are only displayed after you pass the exam. For some courses, you will be required to complete a course evaluation before receiving your certificate of completion. Certificates appear immediately upon passing an exam. They are available via a link on your My Account page (you are also send an email with a link to download your certificate. Check your spam folder if you do not receive it.)

CFP Board Ethics Course

Click here to view information and instructions on our CFP Board Ethics course.

Credit Reporting

CFP®, IRS (EA, ERPA, OTRP), CDFA®, and IWI/CIMA® credits are reported each Tuesday and after the end of the month. Make sure that your license information is provided in Licenses in My Account.

CDFA® Credit Reporting: You must report your credits to the IDFA. We also report credits, which the IDFA uses for confirmation purposes.

State Boards of Accountancy-CPE Requirements, Regulations

For information on your state’s CPE requirements and other regulations, go the the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy.

Help with the Website

If you have experienced a problem with this Website (logging in, opening courses, taking exams, etc.) please call 800-588-7039. If you get our voicemail, please leave a message as we are good about returning calls promptly. You can also email us at

Our hours are 9 to 5, weekdays, ET. However we do check for email and phone messages on weekends.

Shipping Policy

Orders for printed courses are usually processed within twenty-four hours, on weekdays. We ship via USPS (Express Mail or Priority Mail).

Returns, Refunds, Complaint Resolution

You may return any course within 30 days of purchase (and before you complete the exam) for a full refund (you can also exchange a course for another).
For more information regarding administrative, complaint, and refund policies, please contact the customer service manager at our offices by phone: 800-588-7039 or by E-mail:

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is your right. The personal information you submit to Beacon Hill Financial Educators, Inc and/or, will not be shared, sold, or disclosed to third parties in any form, for any purpose, unless required as part of the order fulfillment or credit reporting process. Beacon Hill Financial Educators, Inc. will not disclose your sales history to third parties for any purpose, at any time. We send our customers emails and post cards periodically with special promotions. You can op-out of these if you desire.
If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, contact us at 800-588-7039, or

Continuing Education Sponsor Information
  • Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP®) Sponsor I.D. Number: 1008
  • National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (CPA) Sponsor I.D. Number: 107615
  • Individual State Board of Accountancy Sponsor I.D. Numbers (for states that require sponsor registration):
  • Florida: 0004761 (Ethics: 0011467)
  • New York : 002146
  • Hawaii: 14003
    Beacon Hill Financial Educators is registered with the Hawaii State Board of Public Accountancy as a sponsor of continuing professional education. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to: Hawaii State Board of Public Accountancy, P.O. Box 3469, Honolulu, Hawaii 96801.
  • Ohio: CPE .51 PSR
  • Pennsylvania: PX 178025
  • Texas: 009349
    We have registered with the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy as a CPE sponsor. This registration does not constitute an endorsement by the Board as to the quality of our CPE program.
  • Internal Revenue Service (EA, OTRP, ERPA) Provider Number: FWKKO
  • Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts™ (IDFA™: CDFA®) (no sponsor number);
  • Investments & Wealth Institute® (IWI: CIMA®, CPWA®, RMA®) sponsor number: 222740.