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Social Security, Medicare, & Government Pensions#190816

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Course Description

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This is a Beacon Hill Course-in-a-Book™ – self-study CE courses that are based on popular industry books written specifically for financial advisors.
This course was updated with a new edition of the book on 3/18/2016.

This course is based on the book Social Security, Medicare, and Government Pensions by Attorney Joseph Mathews with Dorothy Mathews Berman . The course price includes the book and online exam.

This newly updated course course provides a comprehensive review of Social Security retirement, disability, dependents, and survivors benefits, as well as Supplemental Security Income (SSI), veterans benefits, and government pensions. In addition, detailed and up-to-date coverage is provided on Medicare (new rules for 2015), Medicaid, and Medigap.

Course Information
Open link (above) to view Course Details, Learning Objectives, and Table of Contents.
Course Text:
Social Security, Medicare, and Government Pensions by Joseph Mathews with Dorothy Mathews Berman (21st ed., 2016, Nolo)

Course-in-a-Book™ courses include a hardcopy book, study guide, and an online exam.
If you already own the book (or e-Book), you may purchase just the online exam.
The e-Book version of Social Security Medicare Government Pensions is available for this course from the publisher, Nolo (ISBN 9781413322354).

Field of Study: Retirement Planning
Level of Complexity: Overview
This course is registered with the CFP Board (Course ID #195653).