New Audit Reporting Standards: SAS Nos. 134-141#313422
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Course Description
Course publication/revision date: This course was updated on 2/7/22.
The objective of this course is to address the new auditor reporting standards issued by the Auditing Standards Board as SAS No. 134-141.
Topics include an overview of the new auditor’s report found in SAS No. 134’s AU-C 700A, including the new report’s format, positioning of sections within the report, title, headings, and expanded language; amendments made to various reporting standards by SAS No. 135; a review of THE new ERISA plan audit standard found in SAS No. 136, AU-C 703, including the format of the new ERISA-plan auditor’s report, positioning of sections of that report, the new ERISA Section 103(a)(3)(C) audit (formerly a limited-scope audit) and the auditor’s report thereon, expanded audit procedures and communications required by auditors of ERISA-plan financial statements; changes made by SAS No. 137 to the auditor’s procedures and reporting on other information, changes made to the definition of materiality by SAS No. 138, changes made to special reports by SAS No, 139, and amendments made by SAS No. 140 to supplementary information, required supplementary information, compliance audits, interim financial information, and audits of internal control over financial reporting.